Ways to Boost Your Article Marketing
Boost Your Article Marketing

Target the World
Article marketing is a great way to market your business online. Article marketing is free and it’s also extremely effective. However, there is a lot more you can be doing with every single article you write. You can actually create a lot more content, and take advantage of a lot more marketing opportunities with every article you write. Here are 3 ways for you to boost your article marketing.
The first way to boost your article marketing is to take that article and build a social networking page around it. There are a lot of popular social networking sites. You can take your article and plug it into a social networking page. Then add a few other elements to the page (depending on what the social networking site offers) and just like that you’ll have more content on the Internet. It will probably take you less than 30 minutes too.
Another great way to boost your article marketing is to make every article you write a blog entry. You should have at least 1 blog in every niche you make money in. You might have several blogs. But every time you write an article, you want to post it on your blog as a new blog entry. You do want to change the title. You might also want to change a few sentences in the body of the article. However, slight changes are all that’s really needed. Within minutes you can easily make your article into a blog entry.’
The last of the 3 ways to boost your article marketing is to make your article into a video. This is much easier then you might think. You can actually use free software to make the video or you can just use a web cam and make the video directly on YouTube. The video can be as simple as you reading the article slowly and clearly. Even a basic video like this will get views and will help you with the online marketing of your business.
There you have 3 ways to boost your article marketing. You shouldn’t just write the article, post it online, and then forget about it. Instead you should use the article to create a social networking page, make a blog entry, and create a video. It will take very little time to do these 3 things and it will result in a lot of great content on the Internet for you and your business.
Making Money on the Inter.net
Hi Jay
Hope is all well.
Thanks for your tips in the forum, just thought I would drop by and say hi.
Great post on the benefits of article marketing, especially using the article to make videos for You tube, really like having mini product info commercials, if you set up links to your product.
Great idea.
Hey Zahid,
I’m glad you stopped by. I try to leave little tid bits of helpful stuff on this site and at http://www.makingmoneyontheinter.net. The later will become my membership site once I get it set up. Today I am working on setting it up for a free registration. I’m having some problems that I am working out with the software, but once it is setup, for everyone that signs up now will get a free upgrade to the top level of membership when I evolve it.
Thanks again for stopping by,
Hi Jay,
I really like what you are doing. Just signed up and shared it on Facebook and going to tweet it after I finish writing here.
Are you on Facebook? I want to send you a friend request. Anyway great informational post. Most just write an article and forget about it. Great intelligent way to look at article submission. Thanks for the learning.
Terry Conti
Oh I almost forgot where did you get the Facebook like clickable Icon, I want to put one on my site. Thanks
Hi Terry,
Thanks for the comments. The Facebook Plug-in is called Facebook Share and it is in the library at wp for free…I always like free stuff. 😉
Terry, I saw you signed up for makingmoneyontheinter.net and commented. I am on vacation and have gone brien dead on my password for that site, so I’ll approve it and comment back when i retern next week.
Hi Jay, just love the idea of creating a video from the articles I write. I am an expert ezine author now and there are some great topics with good content on there already. Thanks for the tip.
Enjoy the journey.
Hi Mandy,
You know me,,,trying to look at all angles in the stuff. To bad it takes extra work. lol But you may as well get the most out of every creation.
Lynne and I are in Branson for a week. Bought $4K worth of furniture for our place in Harrison, AR and work on some puttsy stuff there also. We are meeting up with Mark and Sue Jones to do some hiking and also jam a bit in their recording studio. So much fun here!
Hi Jay
I didn’t know you could do so much with just one article. I really like the thought of writing an article and using it on You Tube so I’ll give it a try.
Hi Dawn,
Thanks for taking the time to visit and leave a comment. Use everything you can in all the various media and save time from creating new content to applying content to the max todrive traffic to your site.
Yes, with Article you can do a lot Online. You can Submit them in a lot of Directory and we’ll get a lot of back links from there. We have a lot of Options.
Thank you for Post.
Good Idea to turn Our Article to Video. Nice, yes. This days is Video #1 ! But for me is just to fast right now. But I’ll do this one day.
Thanks for that.
I have tried using the articles and making them into blog posts but I would have to give the video a try.Thanks for the tips.
Nice post. As a beginer I see there´s a lot of work involved in Traffic Generation. I really liked the idea of turning your content into video presentation.
Best Regards.
Antioco Valdez.
Hi Antioco,
Your really always a newbie in the business. Once you have the basics down, others come up with new and better ways to accomplish things. So get all the free information you can. Then if there are methods you want to pursue, look for experts in that area and learn away.
I your interested in how to set up a WordPress website for business and blogging you should check out WordPress Classroom. There are 17 free videos up front, and if you like Matt’s content you can buy into the Classroom at several levels. I think everyone should check this out, newbie or experienced. You can find the link in my Tools For Success area of my sidebar.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Thanks for the tips, Jay. You’ve listed some new methods that I am eager to try out.
Hi Jay
One other way you can use the same content is to incorporate it into your direct email campaigns, via Newsletter or just a general email of the article or just part of it with a read more link to your site. And you can take your video to a podcast… Not that I have gotten there yet, but I am reading about it …
Thanks for the tips!
Hi Diane,
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. You are 100% correct on all your additions. I must have been a bit brain dead that day. However I never would have even thought of the pod cast stuff. I can hardly work my Droid. lol
Video blogging is my next step in article writing. I have a video cam and I have power point on my computer. I see other blogs doing it and I find that I go back to those blogs. I think the video blog gives the article a more human touch and it is entertaining to watch how people act in front of a camera, that’s very human, too.
Hi Laura,
There are always things we can do to promote ourselves. The trick is to find what works and fits into our schedules.
Keep on Truckin’!
Great ideas, Jay. Creating video blogs is one of my goals for 2012.