Email Marketing – The Money is in The List!
Yes, I am sure that all of you have heard that The Money is in The List. I am here to tell you that this is very true. When you build a long list of quality email marketing buyers you can make tons of money just like the big marketers do.
If the Big Boys want to make money, they create a good product or find one that they can be an affiliate marketer for, then establish an Email Marketing Campaign and mail to their list.
Email Marketing sounds very simple and it really is. It does however take some consistent work to build yourself or your businesses credibility online. This can be done by building a blogging website, membership website, a forum website, or a combination of all of them. You Must Provide valuable content and products to your website visitors at all times. It is also good to be personable with your visitors by letting them know a bit about yourself.
Email Marketing – Build your Persona and List
How do your readers and clients perceive you? Your online persona is worth more than you realize. I’ve been building websites and had numerous websites with a wide variety of niches. Now that I know better, I greatly improved my presence online. This is how I did it…..
First choose an area of expertise or niche that you are passionate about. If you love something, you’ll spend more time concerning everything you want to do online. For instance, if you like Internet Marketing find one area of it that you like and concentrate on the focus area. This is where I was going wrong….too many irons in the fire means that you are not providing as good of product as they need to be.
Narrow your target. For example, Email Marketing. Start writing about it in your blog, help people in various marketing forums, comment in marketing blogs. Get your avatar, name and helpfulness known far and wide. Write articles about email marketing and get published. Create simple yet helpful eBooks to give away everywhere and any way you can and make sure you get an email opt-in to build your list. Examples are: offering a book or books for an opt-in to your site; offer your book through Joint Venture Give-A-Way programs.
By the way JV Give-A-Way Tactics is the easiest way to build your list, so check it out for sure. Jerry offers some great bonus tools when you join too. All you need is one product and then list it in the Give A Way’s.
The bottom line in anything on the internet is that the better known you are and the more you help people with your expertise the more you can grow your list and the more money you can make online. It just takes consistent time and effort.
Email Marketing – Autoresponder

Email Marketing can not be done on any scale without and autoresponder. The best autoresponder on the internet is AWeber. Every marketer big and small that I know use AWeber. You can build an unlimited amount of lists, create opt-in boxes that can be in-line, light boxes or pop-ups with many formats to choose from. You can create Thank You emails, individual emails, series of emails, newsletters and broadcast emails, again with a bunch of cool templates to choose from.
Each email you send out will have a full complement of status, such as, how many emails were sent, how many emails were bounced for bad email addresses, how many people opened the email, how many clicked a link within the email, how many people purchased from the link.
While I have a much smaller list than the Big Boys, I still get in the game promoting products that are useful and worth spending the money on. Recently I’ve been promoting Easy Video Suite (EVS) created by Josh Bartlett. He created Easy Video Player and Easy video Player 2.0 also. These were really terrific products and almost all of the big boys use them. With the release of Easy Video Suite all the big boys were all on board promoting EVS.
Josh had sale numbers that were HUGE. The reason is that he has a big list and he has many affiliate marketers that mail their own lists. Besides that, each of the big marketers that emailed their clients have astronomical lists.
The point is that if you build a good client list that to make money all you do is email your list with a really good product for sale. You make even more money by making your own Affiliate Platform program and have people market your products for a small percentage of profit. This way you mail to your lists and they mail to there lists. The people from there lists are added to your list when they but the product. So every time you and your affiliate team sells a product, your list grows bigger and bigger. Plus these are people on your list that actually buy products. Learn more about Affiliate Marketing.